Technology and Remote Patient Care

The Connection Between Wearable Technology and Remote Patient Care

As we embark on a new telemedicine technology era, the impact of wearable devices in the healthcare domain is swiftly escalating. Wearables are fast becoming the next frontier in the landscape of remote patient care,  where they provide real-time health data, enhance patient engagement, and streamline the delivery of healthcare services We now invite you to tag along as we…

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Contact-Us heather image

The Importance of Data Security in Connected Healthcare

Data security in healthcare is a matter that needs to be taken seriously for benefit of all patients and caregivers. When a healthcare provider does not have proper safeguards to protect their data, there will be a high risk that data could be stolen and used for illegal purposes. For instance, hackers could use the information to steal a patient’s…

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The Future of Connected Vital Signs in Healthcare: Predictions and Trends

As an indicator of a patient’s health status, vital signs monitoring is at core of the diagnosis and treatment workflow. This means that with advancements in connected devices and remote patient monitoring, the future of vital signs monitoring is set to revolutionize the entire healthcare industry. So, join us as we explore what it all holds for healthcare providers, manufacturers,…

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Medical Equipment

The Pros and Cons of Leasing vs Purchasing Medical Equipment

In the constantly changing world of healthcare, medical equipment plays an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patient care. If you’re a healthcare professional or a buyer that’s interested in leasing medical equipment, you might be facing the dilemma of whether you should purchase the equipment outright, or go ahead with leasing it.  For many organizations, leasing…

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Remote Health Monitoring

The Impact of Telemedicine on Mental Health Treatment

Over the past few years, telemedicine has been gaining universal recognition and acceptance as an effective tool in providing healthcare. Telemedicine refers to the delivery of healthcare using technologies like mobile health apps on smartphones, remote monitoring, and video conferencing. In the field of mental health, telemedicine refers to the use of these technologies in providing remote mental health services…

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Rosie Vitals Monitoring

The Role of Portable Vital Signs Monitors in Disaster Response

The role of portable vital sign monitors in disaster response cannot be overstated. In times of crisis – such as natural disasters or mass casualty incidents – the ability to quickly and accurately monitor a patient’s vital signs could mean the difference between life and death.  In particular, portable vital signs monitors have revolutionized how healthcare providers and disaster response…

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Caregiver with Tapestry VMP on Rosebud VC

Vital Monitors Vs. Patient Monitors

Tracking the condition of residents is a high priority for long-term care facilities, but some monitoring devices are better adapted to this environment than others. Two in particular stand out—vital monitors and patient monitors. When supplying staff with effective monitoring equipment, it’s important to know which is best for your facility. Vital Monitors Vs. Patient Monitors The two common types…

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4 Health Care Myths About Remote Patient Care Debunked

The Covid-19 pandemic changed many areas of our world, not the least of which was health care. Fighting surging patient numbers in hospitals, the importance of effective telehealth tools that allow physicians to monitor and conduct patient care remotely became more urgent than ever. And while the specter of Covid-19 recedes, it appears telehealth options are here to stay: usage…

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Manual vs Automated Vital Method: Which Should You Be Using?

Checking on residents’ vital signs is an integral part of any nursing staff member’s job. It’s common to take vitals manually, but automated methods are gaining more traction as they promise faster, more accurate readings. Improved accuracy can make nursing staff’s jobs easier while providing better service to residents. Measuring and Recording Vital Signs – Accuracy Is Key When measuring…

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Connected Healthcare

The Importance of Connected Healthcare in LTC

Connected Healthcare is Transforming Medical Care The scope of connected healthcare has changed drastically since the launch of the first employer-sponsored connected health program in 2007. That first program targeted only employees with high blood pressure to improve their results. We’ve come a long way since 2007. In 2020, the pandemic gave a stunning boost of 71.3% to connected healthcare…

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