RosieConnectivity™ Application
Brilliantly simple solution to clinical and documentation challenges.
With RosieConnectivity™ device-to-EHR Connectivity Platform, caregivers can collect and record vitals data in about two minutes. With that time savings and streamlined process, caregivers have more time for resident observation and interaction, greatly enhancing clinical decision making and improving job satisfaction.
Rosie’s EHR Connectivity Software is integrated with an expanding suite of devices- from vital signs monitors, tympanic thermometers and glucose monitors to bladder scanners and wheelchair scales.
- Save time and reduce unnecessary steps.
- Avoid errors by documenting the right reading at the right time.
- Improve patient outcomes with fresh, up to the minute patient vitals readings.
- Avoid unnecessary fines associated with documentation timeliness.
Improve Documentation Accuracy
Reduce Unnecessary Hospital Admissions
Reduce Unnecessary F-Tags
Increase Staff Efficiency
Increase Satisfaction
Save Steps and Eliminate the Possibility of Errors.
“Rosie® Enables Nurses to Do More with Less”
RosieConnectivity Application End-User Tutorial
Rosie Raccoon takes you step-by-step through the process of using the RosieConnectivity device-to-EHR platform. In addition to saving your caregivers time and saving your facility money, integrating our product is faster and easier than ever before!
- RosieConnectivity proficiency and certification in only 15 minutes
- Interactive tutorial takes RosieConnectivity users from novice to expert
- Frees supervisors from the need to onboard new staff on the RosieConnectivity Platform
- Engaging and easy to understand