5 Benefits of a Portable Vital Signs Monitor

High volume medical care facilities all see high amounts of patient movement. Whether patients are being transferred from one place to another, going in for tests, or simply getting some exercise, it’s important to keep tabs on their vitals.

Portable vital signs monitoring devices make it easier than ever to track vital data, and that yields a variety of benefits for patients and providers alike.

About Portable Vital Sign Monitors

Portable vital sign monitors are devices that are easy to transfer from one location to another. They are typically lightweight and compact, making it easy to keep tabs on a given patient’s vital signs wherever they are.

Modern vital sign monitors make use of biometric sensors and connect to your database, allowing for instant updates to EHRs. This remote connectivity makes remote patient monitoring (RPM) possible.

5 Reasons to Choose Portable Vital Signs Monitoring

Among the reasons to choose portable vital signs monitoring are the following.

1. Highly Effective Monitoring

The first reason to consider is the sheer effectiveness of these devices. A portable vitals monitor with cloud connectivity makes it easy to collect vital sign data on a routine basis. As a result, the process is also quicker and has a lower incidence of human error. This leads to more complete, reliable, and consistent data with fewer gaps and inaccuracies.

2. Portability

The portability of modern vital signs monitors makes it easier and less time-consuming to transport them. This means the process of transferring patients within your facility—not to mention between separate locations—is much simpler than it would be with bulkier equipment.

3. Real-Time Data

Modern systems that use biometric sensors help keep your data up to date, especially if they provide EHR connectivity as well. That means you have fewer gaps in your data and better information with which to make treatment decisions. In addition, if a patient’s vitals should fall outside of acceptable parameters, your staff are able to act more quickly to provide emergency treatment.

4. More Reliable Data

Not only does a portable vital monitor provide more consistent data, but that data tends to be more reliable as well. As mentioned, smart monitors can gather data more quickly with less risk of human error than manual methods, meaning EHRs contain fewer inaccuracies and can be used with more confidence when making critical healthcare decisions.

5. Cost Efficiency

As early as 2010, wireless patient monitoring systems showed promise for becoming a cost efficient way to gather data that might have been nearly impossible to access previously. The efficiency provided by modern devices not only makes it possible to collect previously hard-to-access data, but it also reduces the time and effort required to keep patient records up to date.

6. More Effective Patient Care

The end result of all of these benefits is more effective and efficient patient care. Your data is more consistent and up-to-date, you spend less time collecting it, and your labor hours are spent more efficiently. Patients and residents are able to receive the care they need precisely when they need it, ultimately benefitting them as well as your organization.

Frequent Questions About Portable Vital Sign Monitoring

When it comes to portable vital sign monitoring, there are many questions that may arise. Some of the most common questions include the following.

What are the benefits of remote patient monitoring?

Remote patient monitoring (RPM)—which may involve portable vital sign monitors—allows for real-time tracking of patient data. In general, RPM costs less than inpatient care, requires less time and effort from patients, and informs better support and care from healthcare practitioners. When implemented well, it can reduce the need for acute care.

How much does a portable vital sign monitor cost?

Cost depends on the model of monitor you intend to use, which in turn depends on your specific requirements. Simple stand-alone monitoring devices may cost a few hundred dollars, while more comprehensive systems may range into the thousands.

What devices can be used in continuous vital sign monitoring?

The continuous monitoring made possible by portable monitors can benefit from a range of devices. A mobile nursing station may consist of various scanners, thermometers, and sensors designed to both measure vital signs and automatically update EHRs with the data. For instance, Rosie vital signs monitors offer a complete solution for portable vitals monitoring.

Implement Portable Vital Signs Monitors in Your Facility

To bring the benefits of portable vital signs monitors to your facility, Rosie offers a number of options to choose from. To learn more, contact Rosie today.